Saturday, May 18, 2013

Dear Elio

A few weeks ago Elio got hit in the head with a bamboo stick while playing with friends at the Botanical Gardens.

I was talking with my friends when it happened and Armand came up to tell me Elio was bleeding.  I didn't think much of it - expecting just the usual scraped knee kind of bleeding - but when I got to him his whole face and hands were covered in blood.  I had no idea what the injury was but just pressed my shirt against it to stop the flow.  Whenever I tried to look there was too much blood to see what was going on.  Eventually I got a glimpse of the injury and with great relief I saw it was only an inch long.  I had not experienced a bleeding head injury before and had no idea how prolific they were! 

The children were so kind to Elio, offering things to help him feel better like clovers.  The mothers were so kind to both of us, finding me water and gauze, giving me emotional support and encouraging me to take him to the doctor right away.  Armand was able to stay Gardens with a friend while I took Elio to be seen. 

The two nurses said they thought it would require stitches which terrified Elio so much he just shut down and they were worried he had a true head trauma, but as soon as the doctor said he could use glue to close it, Elio was fine.  An hour later we were home and Elio went straight to the backyard to see Arria and ride his bike.  Elio had a pile of get well cards from his friends who were with us at the Gardens which he loved reading though and to cap it off he refused to wash his bloody hands because he liked 'looking like a vampire!' 

He is all healed now and we are just trying to keep sunscreen on the scar this summer (difficult for a sunscreen-averse family) and we have a camphor-based ointment that is supposed to help with scar healing.

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